Looking back and looking forward - musings about being in the moment

woman relaxed free

I once heard someone say:

Depression is worrying about the past and anxiety is worrying about the future.

Like most sound bites, this is mostly true and largely inaccurate.

However, it will work for my purposes.

I almost never look back.

I find it very difficult to re-read material or re-watch videos I have made in the past.

While I collect feedback on my workshops, I rarely ruminate on it. No point - the workshop is over. I add the constructive feedback to my mental list of do better …

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What blue hair has taught me about confidence.

I have a confession

My white/grey/silver hair is not natural. It is completely artificial by my bestie and hairdresser Cameron. I wrote the full story some time ago, and you can catch it here.

This year, putting together Launching into Leadership and my other online programs involved months of filming my white face and white hair against a white wall. All this had me pining for a change. I tried those flash virtual backgrounds with limited success - the artificial intelligence couldn’t tel…

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