The One Thing I Could Do All Day


The one thing I could do all day, every day, is to listen to people tell their stories. To sit on my coaching couch and talk to clever women about their successes, their fears, their joy and the places at which they get stuck. Most clients will go through the motions with me but the clients I could spend all day with are the ones who are prepared to go all-in, get uncomfortable, receive feedback, question it in their own head, fight it and push through to a new solution.


I love it when it go…

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Dare to be different

Deep down we just want to belong.

To do that we need to fit in, be like everybody else.

I have never felt like everybody else.

Maybe it’s the same for you.

I always wanted to have a pony tail that swung from side to side when I walked, or one that could be flung around when I danced.

I wanted a suburban life where I took the kids to school and then did fitness with the other school mums returning to tend to my stylish home

or  screeeeeech …. Stop ….

No, I did not want any…

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This week in coaching


Every Sunday I share a newsletter with my list and amongst other things I share some of the coaching conversations that I have had. It seems that many of the themes are universal so I am going to share those conversations here.

Questioning Assumptions and Back to Basics

I was coaching a Head of Learning Area in a secondary school this week and she described 3 staff with very different personalities and how they were challenging her. Lots of ah-ha moments were shared in this coaching session. T…

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Building Psychological Safety


My younger self knew everything.
Absolutely everything.
You ask her any question and she had an answer.
She was lashings and lashings of FIG JAM*.

Even when she didn’t know she was never going to admit it. She was the epitome of a fixed mindset, using all her energy to defend her all-knowing reputation.

To be clear she was clever, quick to learn and curious.

But this was her armour and not her gift.
It stopped her and her team being all they could be.
This was not leadership this was fea…

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